Jennie Song

After A Year Long Absence

Hey all. Elaine here, I wanted to just also provide some addition information …

I have been trying to do this project with Jennie literally since 2012 and this is the furthest we’ve ever gotten.

Back in the day Jennie was studying to become a psychologist, working full time, and also dealing with tremendously debilitating chronic illness and it was even more challenging. Getting to a point where she actually felt strong enough and had time to dedicated to it took a long time.

When she finally got her PhD and became a psychologist I don’t think either one of us realized how quickly her private practice would grow. She has many clients but still not enough to make her practice her sole job so on top of seeing clients and is also STILL working an additional job … I’m not sure if you can imagine how much of a mental and physical toll that takes. I had a feeling that she would be unable to continue and I was right about that.

I was sad because she was so close to being done with season 1 …

Jennie ONLY ever sat for the videos and therapy sessions, she was never involved in the stats as far as how many people were watching or any of the emails. As a result she had no idea how many people were actually watching the videos … in her mind it was just something that no one cared about so it was easy for her to abandon it when she became too busy. I take full responsibility for that but I had my reasons.

This project was never a “Psychologist Watches …” type of YouTube entertainment series. That is one of the reasons the comments are turned off. This project is active therapy. You are watching someone go through a therapeutic process that is very personal and therefore no commentary is required or appropriate. It’s not a conversation. It’s something you watch and gain insight from. This project is for Jennie … and for anyone interested in the media therapy modality. I didn’t want her to have information about views and likes and emails because I didn’t want anything to influence the therapy … for example if she knew many people were watching she might be unwilling to be as honest or open with her feelings or she might feel “performative” and lose the whole reason we were doing the project … which was a demonstration of therapy using the media therapy modality.

That said, I want Jennie to continue this project for HERSELF and not because she feels pressured to “entertain” people on YouTube for likes or views or any other reason. Everyone can benefit from self care. Everyone needs balance in their lives. Working all day and doing no self care and having no creative or therapeutic outlets isn’t healthy and Jennie knows that very well. But, as you all know, sometimes doctors are the worst patients. (grin).

I believe Jennie is going to do her best to make time for this project in 2025 … I don’t know when or how but I believe she WANTS to finish season 1 and WANTS to finish Evangelion and therefore I think she will do everything she can to consider therapy for herself a priority just as she would for her own clients.

Keep your fingers crossed and I will too and if these videos have helped you, please send an email letting myself and Jennie know.

As always thank you all for your patience, understanding, and interest.

If you liked this please let us know!

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