S01E14 – Fathers, Family, and Changing Your Role

Note: Sorry about the spelling error in the opening. I hadn’t noticed until after the entire video was rendered out.

GREAT session with Dr Song. I gave her some gifts at the beginning of this session because it’s been amazing how far she has come in this project. When we started this – or rather, tried to start this, over 10 years ago it was just such an impossible task and honestly, we both never thought we’d get this far, let alone be working through two television shows. I’m really proud of the work Dr Song has done, not just with this project, but also on herself over these many, many years.

The relationship between Ivanova and her father brings up a lot of feelings for Dr Song. Those of you who have watched this series from the beginning already can imagine why. Dr Song talks a lot about her father, family dynamics, trauma, healing, and even spirituality in this session. Dr Song also discusses how media therapy has helped her and continues to help her be a better person and a better psychologist.

Dr Song discusses an Afro Dance lesson she attended at a conference on trauma. The URL is below if anyone is interested in more information. https://www.afroflowyoga.com/

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